HOWTO package OCS Unix server releases
To package the OCS Unix server release, we will use git to get code from GitHub.
Create the working directory
Create a working directory first and go in this directory:
Get OcsInventory Server code
Now, get the Ocsinventory Server code from Launchpad using this command:
$bzr export . lp:ocsinventory-server/stable-xxx
Get OcsInventory Ocsreports code
Create a directory to put the ocsreports code and go in this directory:
$mkdir ocsreports
$cd ocsreports
Now, get the Ocsinventory ocsreports code from Launchpad using this command:
$bzr export . lp:ocsinventory-ocsreports/stable-XXX
Create the tarball file
Create the release tarball using this commands:
$cd ..
You now have the OCSNG_UNIX_SERVER-XXX.tar.gz tarball in the parent directory.