Deploying database server
OCS Inventory server need a database to store information from inventory
Install database server requirements
Database server need to match database version indicated in the prerequisites page
Note : On Fedora/Redhat/Centos 7 mariadb is avalaible on
. you need to install this repo for install database server.
On Fedora/Redhat/Centos 7 you can use "yum" to install mariadb
yum install mariadb-server
On Debian 9 Stretch you can use "apt" to install mariadb
apt install mariadb-server mariadb-common mariadb-client
Launch MariaDB
First step we need to launch MariaDB. On Fedora/Redhat/Centos 7 you need to enable and start mariadb first
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl start mariadb
Launch MariaDB
mysql -u root
If you doesn't have set password for root you can set it up by the following command:
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('yourpassword');
Configure database server in only one server
This part is only if you want to install database server, communication server and administration console in only one server.
First step create database:
OCS need a user to use the database "ocsweb":
CREATE USER 'ocs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ocs';
This user need all privileges on the database "ocsweb"
Don't forget to apply parameters:
Note: This user will be used by Administration server and Communication server to connect to the database.
If you do not wish to use default MySQL user ocs with ocs password, you must update in the file
Don’t forget to also enable your conf and restart apache.
Refer to
Secure your OCS Inventory NG Server
for all information about modifications of configuration files.
Configuring database server for separated OCS Server
This part is only if you want to install database server, communication server and administration console in separated server
First step create database:
For separated server you need to have two user if you use different server for database, communication server and administration console
CREATE USER 'ocs'@'CommunicationServerIP' IDENTIFIED BY 'ocs';
CREATE USER 'ocs'@'AdministrationConsoleIP' IDENTIFIED BY 'ocs';
Note : If you want to deploy OCS in only two server you only need to create one user with the communication server / admin console IP if you install a database server and another server for communication server / administration console
Then user need all privileges on the database "ocsweb"
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ocsweb.* TO 'ocs'@'CommunicationServerIP' WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ocsweb.* TO 'ocs'@'AdministrationConsoleIP' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Don't forget to apply parameters:
On your Communication server/Administration console server : You need to change the host of the database in the file /etc/apache2/conf-avaible/z-ocsinventory-server.conf
PerlSetEnv OCS_DB_HOST YourDatabaseServerIP
Don't forget to activate your conf with the following command
a2enmod z-ocsinventory-server.conf
Restart your apache service to activate the conf
systemctl restart apache2
On your Communication server/Administration console server : You need to change the host of the database in the file /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/
Note: This user will be used by Administration server and Communication server to connect to the database.
If you do not wish to use default MySQL user ocs with ocs password, you must update in the file
Don’t forget to also enable your conf and restart apache.
Refer to
Secure your OCS Inventory NG Server
for all information about modifications of configuration files.