- Summary
- Description
- Current compatibility
- Configure Playbooks
- Run Playbooks
- Encrypted Passwords File
This package aim to deploy the Packager for unix generated archive to system depending on the target OS.
The ansible can deploy the OCS Agent as a "one shot" and only inventory once but you can also change configuration to create crontab and automate the inventory process
Current compatibility
- Debian
- Ubuntu
- Redhat
Configure Playbooks
Inventory file is "inventory". You can group servers and give them a name. The name of the group should be then enter in the playbook files (the yml files).
group_vars directory contains directoies that depicts the configuration you can encounter during deployment:
- debian_hosts/config.yml: connect with a standard user then become root with "su" command by providing root password
- redhat_hosts/config.yml: connect with root user and root password
- ubuntu_hosts/config.yml: connect with standard user then become root with "sudo" command by providing standard user password
If the case you need to support more operating system you can edit the roles/ocs_deploy/vars
You can mix and adapt configuration to fit your needs
Run Playbooks
Deploy OCS Agent package on Discovery Machines
- Identify a server per subnet
- Enter the identified IP addresses in nmap_hosts section of ocs.inventory file
- Uplaod the OCS Agent packages built thanks to the Unix packager, onto the server you will run the Ansible playbook from
- Set the OCS Agent packages directory into ocs_deploy.yml (ocs_agent_package_dir variable)
- Set "nmap_hosts" in "hosts" parameter in ocs_deploy.yml
- Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook ocs_deploy.yml -i ocs.inventory
Run IP Discovery
For each discovering server:
- Enter discovering server IP address in namp.inventory file
- Enter the network IP and netmask on nmap_run.yml
- Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook nmap_ipdiscovery.yml -i nmap.inventory
The output is stored into nmap_results directory. Output file name is tagged witht he network adress and netmask: nmap_ipdiscovery_network_netmask.output
Run SSH Discovery
This role will identify the SSH listenning servers (to install and run OCS Agent with Ansible on Linux servers)
For each dicovering server:
- Enter discovering server IP address in namp.inventory file
- Enter the network IP, netmask and SSH port in nmap_sshdiscovery.yml
- Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook nmap_sshdiscovery.yml -i nmap.inventory
The output is stored into nmap_results directory. Output file name is tagged witht he network adress and netmask: nmap_sshdiscovery_network_netmask.output
Run RDP Discovery
This role will identify the RDP listenning servers (to install and run OCS Agent the OCS deployer tool for Windows)
For each dicovering server:
- Enter discovering server IP address in namp.inventory file
- Enter the network IP, netmask and RDP prt in nmap_rdpdiscovery.yml
- Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook nmap_rdpdiscovery.yml -i nmap.inventory
The output is stored into nmap_results directory. Output file name is tagged witht he network adress and netmask: nmap_rdpdiscovery_network_netmask.output
Deploy OCS Agent package on all SSH discovered servers
- Fill in the inventory file with the SSH discovered list and group the servers to fit your needs.
- Run the playbook
ansible-playbook ocs_deploy.yml -i ocs.inventory
Run OCS Agent command on all discovered servers
- Set the OCS server port and protocol in ocs_run.yml
- Run the playbook
ansible-playbook ocs_run.yml -i ocs.inventory
Encrypted Passwords File
Generate encrypted file with ansible-vault
ansible-vault encrypt password.yml
[enter pasword]
[confirm password]
Run a playbook with vault password asked
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass
[enter pasword]
Run a playbook with vault password in text file
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
Decrypt vaulted file
ansible-vault decrypt password.yml
[enter pasword]